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Names Selection
Baby or Individual’s Name Selection
Do you want to have your new born or yourself being blessed for the rest of life with the right name? East Chen Consultancy can help to advise base on baby’s and yours Bazi elements.
To ensure only the right combination is being made that not only base on the elements but taking care of the result of the combination as well, East Chen Consultancy will provides two names for the parents to choose from with a report that includes the new Born’ elements to use and avoid throughout the life.
All these will be a perfect gift for your baby at SGD380 for having a head start in life and all you need to do is,
1. Click on credit-card-logos to make a payment of SGD238
2. Email to, “” with the below details,

  1. The PayPal Payment Reference number
  2. The Child’s English Calender Birthday & Time
  3. The Country of Birth
  4. The preferred Language (English or Chinese) for the report
  5. The parents’ Name & English Birthday & time.

3. We will get back to you ASAP within 5 working days with 2 elements and strokes combinations perfectly matched Name recommendations which you are free to come back with one time email on any verification.
Business Name Selection
Just like us, Businesses are unique entities which a perfect name can make a different in smooth path or hard work. It is always good to have a right name done up in connection with the owners and Directors’ elements optimization to enhance the operation of the business with the right colors on your sign board and name cards with the right translation.
East Chen Consultation had being assisting Businesses in their path to success for many years which you can be one of the success stories.
All these are only SGD680 and you are ready to go to take on the world and to have it, please,
1. Click on credit-card-logos to make a payment SGD680
2. Send an email to, “” with the below details,

  1. The PayPal Payment reference number
  2. The Name and English Birthday and Time (if available) of the Owner(s) & Director(s)
  3. The Registered Date of the Company
  4. Nature of Business and countries of operation.
  5. The preferred language (English or Chinese) for the report

3. We will get back to you within 14 working days for two perfect name with combinations of elements of the company, its owners & directors and the right colors to be used on the signboard and name card.
East Chen Consultancy is looking forward to enhance your quality of life and career with the professional applications of Metaphysics.
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